Effective Psoriasis Treatments Bring Long-Time Sufferers Out Of Hiding
Itchy, flaky skin has driven psoriasis patients into hiding, but new treatments are bringing profound improvements to chronic sufferers.
Itchy, flaky skin has driven psoriasis patients into hiding, but new treatments are bringing profound improvements to chronic sufferers.
BYRON’S million dollar rock wall at Belongil Beach may not be as badly damaged as first appeared, although the question of ongoing repairs and maintenance costs has not been resolved.
STICKYBEAKERS, cavalier drivers and careless swimmers and surfers have left emergency services dumbfounded during the dangerous weather event to hit the Northern Rivers over the weekend.
The SES performed 54 flood rescues from the time the rain started falling on Friday through to the minor to moderate flooding that continued into Saturday and Sunday.
In Byron Bay, lifeguard personnel were disappointed by the behaviour of some swimmers and surfers who decided to take to extremely messy waters off Byron Bay because there was a break in the rain.
Byron Bay locals have slammed Byron Shire Council’s Interim Beach Access Stabilisation (IBAS) works in the aftermath of Saturday’s massive storm event which thrashed the Bay.
Coastal Management studies student and concerned local resident Lucy Ashley described the severely damaged rock wall as “buggered” after being rammed through by the “gang of five pro-rock wall councillors” just months ago.
Kids making tipis/teepees from driftwood washed up after the heavy rainfall at Brunswick Heads. This image was taken from the south wall, Brunswick Heads, by Stephen Booth who says it's…
A MAN who claimed he was only growing marijuana to give to cancer patients has been jailed for up to five years after a judge decided he was less Robin Hooch and more the Share-Spliff of Nottingham.
Bradley Hindmarsh grew 396 marijuana plants worth $1.4 million inside a warehouse at Riverstone in Sydney’s northwest and pleaded guilty to cultivating a large commercial quantity of the drug.
Activist scientists and lobby groups have distorted surveys, maps and data to misrepresent the extent and impact of coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef, according to the chairman of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Russell Reichelt.
A full survey of the reef released yesterday by the authority and the Australian Institute of Marine Science said 75 per cent of the reef would escape unscathed.
Dr Reichelt said the vast bulk of bleaching damage was confined to the far northern section off Cape York, which had the best prospect of recovery due to the lack of onshore development and high water quality.
Environmentalist’s best kept secret and the concrete industry’s worst nightmare…
… the earthbag method means that you can build a small retreat to withstand bullets, floods, hurricanes, storms and fires much better than a conventional house.
And all at a fraction of the cost!
Earthbag construction is a hot topic in underground circles but has yet to hit the mainstream.
Today the NSW SES has launched new Tsunami Evacuation Maps. These cover the whole NSW coast and show those areas that lie under 10m above sea level, are 1km or less inland and are 10km up an estuary.
In the very unlikely event of a land threat tsunami, the NSW SES will be asking people in the red zone to seek shelter at least 10m up in a sturdy concrete building or to move outside the red zone area to an area of lower risk.