Council Looks to Introduce Paid Parking in Brunswick Heads

Photo: Real Estate View.

BYRON SHIRE Council is looking at paid parking for Brunswick Heads and ways to improve the turnover and efficiency of parking spaces in Mullumbimby.

Studies commissioned by Byron Shire Council in August 2016 found that changing the time limits for parking in both towns could improve the amount of parking spaces for locals and visitors.

Ken Gainger, General Manager of Byron Shire Council, said the number of visitors to Brunswick Heads and Mullumbimby are increasing, and this is placing pressure on parking and traffic management in the towns.

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“This is not an issue that is going to go away so Council has developed draft parking management strategies for both towns,” Mr Gainger said.

“Long parking limits near shops decreases the availability of parking and this is not to the advantage of local businesses,” he said.

“For example, in Mullumbimby and Brunswick Heads, more than 60% of parking in the town centres is all-day parking which doesn’t leave that many parking options on a busy day,” Mr Gainger said.

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“Brunswick Heads is a popular tourist destination, particularly on the weekends, and Council also wants to get residents and business owners’ opinions on the possible introduction of pay parking in the town,” he said.

“We are not considering implementing pay parking in Mullumbimby but Council does think there could be significant long-term benefits for the Brunswick Heads community if the scheme was introduced there.

“Pay parking is a way to generate income from visitors and our estimates show we could raise more than $900,000 a year which would be used specifically for projects in Brunswick Heads,” he said.

“In addition to information on our website and advertisements in local papers, we will also be writing to residents and businesses and organising opportunities for staff to be in Brunswick Heads to survey people and answer questions.

“We will invite people to do an online survey to allow us to get as much feedback as possible.

“Many people already have a permit to park in Byron Bay and, should pay parking eventually be implemented, that permit will extend to Brunswick Heads,” Mr Gainger said.

The Brunswick Heads and Mullumbimby Parking Management Strategies will be placed on exhibition for public comment in mid-September.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. John Havers

    How many parking spots would there be in Brunswick Heads?
    What is the upfront investment and annual management cost of said parking meters?
    Is the $900K a gross amount, or is it net after expenses?

  2. J Hollow

    No more! Brunswick Heads is a community with local business and residents.. not a tourist hub for revenue raising. Look after local first for once!

  3. Karma Barnes

    Since there has been paid parking in Byron Bay, as a local resident I have stopped going there for most things, as I don’t go there enough to warrant spending the cash on the permit (that still doesn’t cover us to go for a surf at The Pass anyways).
    So instead I go else where to shop and don’t drop into local shops to pick up things.
    I know this is the case with many locals in the area. I would not like to see the same happen to Brunswick Heads.
    Us locals already pay top dollar for everything in the Shire with incomes often lower than if we lived in cities but with rents or housing prices as high as cities.
    I don’t think you should charge locals for parking to go to the shops or the beach or cafe. So many locals and families are leaving the area as it has become too expensive here.
    It would be great to see some thing that really supports locals like public transport and bike trails being introduced to combat the too many cars situation and offer us some things that’s not going to cost us again to provide for the tourist’s.
    I get that its meant to be revenue generating from the tourists, but its another bill for locals in doing so.
    Some thing for local families and community, youth and elderly that helps us to all get around with lesser carbon foot print that would be wise and future building.

  4. Ashara Branson

    Mullumbimby parking restrictions work the way they are, we don’t want parking meters in Mullumbimby,

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