FROM VoB FACEBOOK: Call to End Fireworks at Bruns

Voice of Byron regular, Sarah Buchanan, disagrees with the fireworks scheduled for the opening of the legendary Brunswick Heads Woodchop Festival tomorrow Sat 14 at 9 pm. 

Sarah says, “Woodchop Festival in Bruns opens with a fireworks display.

“I don’t think fireworks are appropriate any more.

“Polluting, costly and worse still frighten every single critter in the town and beyond.

“A few Aaahs and Ooohs does not warrant this fiasco any longer, in my humble opinion.”


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Muzz.😎

    One other thing I forgot to add and if you have connections in higher places What can we do about that countless thunder and lightning shows we have on the North Coast, if you have any ideas on how we can tone them down we would luv to hear of it.

  2. Muzz.😎

    What a Whozer are you a member of the fun police, what else do you want stopped around the north coast seen so many events that do no harm but enjoyments to the young and old, it’s all safe when in the right hands witch it is, up to your self and responsibilities to keep your pets safe so over animals before humans I have animals dog,bird,cat,there trained and know there place and we all get on together as I said I luv animals and if anyone knows me will tell you that but getting back to my point stop interfering with our events that we have had here for many a year if your from here you’d know, so tired of blowins coming to our part of the world and trying to change things to satisfy their lives, if you are so concerned about noise what about all the concerts, bands blaring nearly ever nite from pubs &nightclubs, bloody bongos every nite on beachfront, markets, traffic, I could go on so go and bye some ear muffs for you and your animals and get a life.

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