Sex Porn Scam Vids, Spam Offers Banned


SEX VIDEOS, offers of fashion garments, sunglasses and financial assistance have all been offered by recently banned Voice of Byron members over the past month.

Apart from the annoyance of unsolicited commercial material intruding in the otherwise genuine content on the Facebook suite of groups, links such as those offered by the banned members can be dangerous.

Voice of Byron internet security consultant Paul MacKenzie says clicking on spam offered on Facebook, particularly those which look like porn videos, can be very dangerous.

“Even if you arrive at a website containing pornographic material, you are at a very high risk of a “drive-by” virus attaching itse;f to your computer without you noticing,” Paul explains.

“Viruses or ‘trojans’ like these can then set themselves up on your hard drive and provide the spammer with any details you type, like bank account details, passwords and more.”

Ransomware Increased 35 Percent

Cyber criminals are using encryption as a weapon

Computer secutiry firm Symantec says an extremely profitable type of attack, ransomware will continue to ensnare PC users and expand to any network-connected device that can be held hostage for a profit.

In 2015, ransomware found new targets in smart phones, Mac, and Linux systems. Symantec even demonstrated proof-of-concept attacks against smart watches and televisions in 2015.


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