OLD BACHELOR: Kitchen Tips


OLD BACHELORS know a thing or two about being efficient in the kitchen.

Things need to be done, kept clean and just plain work, without any hassles or drama.

Every week or so our resident bachelor, Sean, has agreed to share with us some of the ideas that make his lonely old bachelor lifestyle worth living in his kitchen.

This week Sean shares a great tip on cleaning your blender.


Clean Your Blender in 30 Seconds Without Pulling it Apart

I use my blender every day. But it gave me the Tom Tits having to pull it apart every time, to clean it properly.

My friend Ratu Dapur shared her method with me, and it works a real treat!

  1. Fill your blender up about halfway
  2. Squirt in a few drops of dishwashing liquid
  3. Throw in half a lemon chopped up a bit, or give it a couple of squirts of bottled lemon juice. You can use white vinegar if you like, but lemon smells better
  4. Run the blender for 30 seconds
  5. Rinse it out, and you’re done

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