NSW Education Dept Selling Off Suffolk Park Kids’ & Community Land

  • Post category:Suffolk Park
Suffolk Park Football Club juniors. Photo: Facebook.
Suffolk Park Football Club juniors. Photo: Facebook.

SUFFOLK PARK Progress Association President Donald Maughan says the Progress Association has just been informed that the NSW Department of Education has listed for sale the land beside Shaz & Baz in Suffolk Park.

Suffolk Park Progress Association President, Donald Maughan.
Suffolk Park Progress Association President, Donald Maughan.

“This land is the home of Suffolk Park Soccer Club (70 registered players), the tiny tots play ground, kids’ bike track, a public car park and the community garden,” says Donald.

The land also adjoins the tennis courts, skate park, the new playground and a public walk way to the lake.

The Department is advertising the land as zoned RESIDENTIAL, for online auction Nov 29 to Dec 1

“But the land is currently zoned as SP2, not residential.”

“This is the last piece of land we have for our children and the wider community. Let’s not let some developer get hold of it,” Donald said.

Suffolk Park Community Gardens, also affected by the NSW Education Department sell-off. Photo: Facebook.
Suffolk Park Community Gardens, also impacted by the NSW Education Department sell-off. Photo: Facebook.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Robert Hart

    Follow the money. Follow the lobbyists. Have there been eBay politicians and government officials bought and paid for ???

  2. Jessie

    This is terrible news and I’m shocked that such a decision was made. This land is an integral part of the community and I question how the re zoning of land can take place with no known consultation. Would the new Byron Bay council be able to assist with the over turn of this decision?

  3. Martin

    This is public land and has to remain public land. It’s zoned educational, if it is to be developed it had to be a public primary school.

  4. Steve Compton

    They keep saying our kids are our future,that they should be out playing sport.then some INTELECTUAL bankrupt comes up with an idea like this,it does make you wonder if the inmates aren’t in charge of the asylum

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