Moringa Oleifera: The African Miracle Tree

Prized throughout most of the developing world for its extreme nutrient density and disease-fighting ability, Moringa is easily one of the most useful medicinal superfood plants on the planet. Photo: istock.

THE MORINGA tree, commonly known as “the Miracle Tree”, Moringa (scientific name: Moringa oleifera) is drought- resistant, requires little water, is fast-growing year round and almost every part of the tree is edible or valuable in some way

From the seeds that are used for purifying water to the powerful medicinal properties of the bark, roots and flowers to the exceptionally rich nutrient density of its leaves, Moringa is a widely consumed superfood throughout the developing world.

Moringa lives up to the hype as well: gram for gram, the plant has two times the protein of yogurt, four times the calcium of milk, 25 times the iron of spinach, 15 times the potassium of bananas, four times the vitamin A of carrots, and seven times the Vitamin C content of oranges.

To top it all off, Moringa tastes pretty good – similar to spinach – making it an easy addition to just about anything, which is how it’s used in most of the world.

It’s also rich in B-vitamins, magnesium and antioxidants like quercetin, which has been shown as an effective treatment for everything from cancer, to allergies of all kinds (food, environmental and otherwise), to inflammation, viruses and cognitive impairment, making it both nutritious and medicinal when taken regularly.

Furthermore, the protein quality in Moringa is extremely high, comparable to eggs and whey, which are traditionally heralded as the gold standard for these types of things.

Containing 18 out of 20 amino acids and all eight essential amino acids, Moringa is a complete protein that does the heavy lifting in the body, supplying a wide range of nutrients for neurotransmitter production, and muscle, cell and tissue repair.

Moringa is available from various outlets in Australia – just Google it and you’ll come across plenty of resources like Moringa Farm Australia.

Source article: Conscious Lifestyle Magazine

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Cheryl Solway

    Thanks John, the Moringa tree is on my list of must have!

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