FROM FACEBOOK: Brunswick Park Management “Arrogant, Deceptive, Manipulative”

  • Post category:Byron Bay

VOICE of BYRON regular, Patricia Warren, posted this update including an article from The Echo, about the latest goings on about camping grounds in Brunswick Heads. 

Patricia wrote, “If followers of the Brunswick Heads caravan park issue missed the article in Echo , then you may want to read the following because it gives substance and context as to why there is a lack of trust with Council’s decision-making.

“Michael Lyons is seeking accolades for breaking a perceived ‘stalemate’ between BSC and NSWCHPT over plans for the Brunswick Heads Holiday Parks. In fact BSC had clearly established the location of the Holiday Park’s operational boundaries in 2012 License agreements which were consistently endorsed by the subsequent Council (led by Mayor Richardson) and reaffirmed in a motion by Cr. Diane Woods and Rose Wanchop in December 2015.

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“The fact Crown Lands were unhappy with this decision to exclude specific sites from park operations including Ferry foreshore, Lot 7005 at Massey Greene and the Southern area of Terrace Park was evident in their insistence on an interim license granted in 2013 (for one year) to allow time to prepare new POMs. BSC specifically requested further negotiations on park boundaries before any plans were exhibited in the same motion. Yet Park Management included the extended “interim” park boundaries in their POMs which were exhibited in Dec/Jan 2014 and subsequently approved by the Minister. The fact the Local Government Minister had been misled over the “agreed” location of park boundaries resulted in the “disappearance” of Park Administrator Jim Bolger in September 2015 and prompted the current review of POMs.

“This appalling deceitful behaviour by Park Management made Council, who acted in good faith in granting the interim license, even more determined to ensure these encroached public lands were retained for public use. Their position is explicit in subsequent resolutions including Dec 2015.

“How is it possible for Cr. Lyons to claim a win for the community when he and the co-green councillors all colluded to hand these contentious public lands (valued at over $3 million) to NSWCHPT – ending the ‘stalemate’ with feeble acquiescence.

“Mayor Richardson did publicly spruik and support NSWCHPT proposed plans. He also vilified and denigrated community representatives and discouraged new councillors from discussing park issues with me personally, and participating in community forums we organised. He threatened to leave meetings if I attended or spoke. I never got the opportunity to speak to new Green Councillors prior to Sarah Ndiaye’s rescission motion in April, 2017 yet Councillors attended multiple meetings with long boring power point presentations delivered by NSWCHPT snake oil salesmen. This is where the fairness, equity and trust were broken.

“To claim we now have better access along the foreshore, to the boat ramps and car parking is farcical and fails to appreciate what we lost. Michael Lyons is obviously unaware of the historic context or what the status quo was before his arrival on the scene.

“Until the late 90s the public walkway extended along the riverbank from the Bowling club to Ferry Reserve unimpeded by caravan park activities. The southern section of Terrace park was open recreational space used as a public picnic area with access to Simpson’s creek and BBQ facilities. Primitive camping (tents only) was permitted during Xmas and Easter under BSC license agreements. The coastal cypress pines were a protected community under SEPP 15 provisions. Ferry Reserve foreshore was also open recreational space with similar licensing provisions for primitive camping during peak periods only. At Massey Greene a loop road enabled access to the boat ramp adjoining the harbour and the old ablution block on the boundary of Lot 7005 was a shared facility for boat users and public access.

“The community enjoyed these public facilities and recreational spaces until aggressive management practices began obstructing the walkway in Terrace park (97 & 2002). Erecting fencing to enclose public lands generated access and amenity issues. Incremental changes in use were undertaken on Ferry foreshore and South Terrace between 2000-2006 allowing camping during school holidays then year-round in public areas outside their operational boundaries generating noise, parking and traffic problems. Large caravans gained access to the Terrace when the cypress pines were savagely pruned in 2007.

“All these works were undertaken without Council’s knowledge or approval and in wilful defiance of Council’s explicit directives, yet compliance staff and road managers took no decisive action to address these issues despite persistent complaints from residents and BHPA.

“In 2006 Crown Lands sacked BSC as park managers and introduced new management who continued to implement their redevelopment plans without Council or Ministerial approval for POMs or new license agreements.

“Crown Lands has imposed a continuous barrage of new POMs, exhibiting plans in 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2010 & 2014 usually over Xmas at undisclosed yet obscene public expense, demanding a relentless dogged community response. In 2005 – two years before the completion of Pacific Hwy upgrade, Ferry Reserve POM secured Ministerial approval with Council recommending the foreshore area be incorporated in the RTA’s rehabilitation plans. No other POMs were ever endorsed by the Local Government Minister, including 2014 POMs whose legality is dubious and now under revision.

“Throughout this long running dispute Crown Lands has refused to acknowledge park encroachments on adjoining road reserves and crown lands despite only acquiring these lands through compulsory acquisition in 2012. Amenity issues have been ignored and the foreshore walkway in Terrace Park misrepresented in successive POMs.

“The arrogant, deceptive and manipulative behaviour of Park Management has compromised Council and staff. Both Crs. Hunter and Ndiaye have claimed NSWCHPT threatened legal action and alluded to more positive outcomes in other areas if Council concedes on the park issues – which is illegal and contemptible.

“Many community members don’t agree the outcomes achieved by Michael Lyons & Co are an improvement on the position held firmly and decisively, prior to their election. In fact, the performance of Green Councillors has been sycophantic and pathetic – a complete and total sell-out that leaves long suffering residents with no respite or resolution to long standing amenity issues. It’s left us with far less access not more as Cr. Lyons suggests and intensifies the pressure on vulnerable foreshore lands. The additional playground and car parking will undoubtedly benefit park patrons far more than local residents.

“The loss of trust and confidence in the Greens will undoubtedly be felt at the ballot box, persuading stalwart Nats in Bruns to vote Green was the outstanding achievement of Jan Barham and Tom Tabart that is now under serious threat.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Mark Halfhide

    They all make me sick ! Parrasites all of them ! Give any of them a little bit of power and they are bound to abuse it!

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