WITH THE FUTURE of refugees on Manus Island still uncertain Byron Mayor, Simon Richardson, said the Byron Shire was proud to be a Refugee Welcome Zone.
“Council became a Refugee Welcome Zone in February 2015, and has been honouring that declaration ever since,” Mayor Richardson said.
“Becoming a Refugee Welcome Zone was a way we could publicly state our intent and open our arms to some of the world’s most needy people,” Byron Shire Council Mayor, Simon Richardson, said.
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“Byron Shire residents are well known for their kindness and belief in humanity and Council would like the opportunity to work with the Federal Government to house and support some Manus Island refugees.
“Being a Refugee Welcome Zone is about displaying human compassion, upholding the human rights of refugees and enhancing cultural and religious diversity in our community – these sentiments remain as strong as ever for our Shire,” Mayor Richardson, said.
“We have assisted many refugees with relocation in the Byron Shire over the years and have enjoyed the wonderful contributions these individuals and families have made to our community.
“We welcome refugees from Manus Island, and other places, and it would be an honour to help them realise their potential as wonderful, productive and valued temporary residents or permanent Australian citizens,” Mayor Richardson said.
Our refugee families make up an important part of the social fabric of our community as we listen to their stories and learn from the political and social struggles and tragedies that they have endured,” he said.
Over the last few years, Council has become a signatory to the Refugee Welcome Scroll – an initiative of Rural Australians for Refugees and the Refugee Council of Australia.
Council has also supported the Safe Haven Enterprise Visa which gives asylum seekers an alternative to the Temporary Protection Visa, with a five year option to live, study and work in regional NSW only.
“The Byron Shire stands proud as a Refugee Welcome Zone,” Mayor Richardson said.
For more information contact Mayor Simon Richardson on 0427 076 834.
Does he call this Democracy? Its more like a Authoritarian Dictatorship, Where is the public consultation? Are you blind Simple Simon, stupid or just ignorant and arrogant? Either way i find you to be rather uneducated in the affairs of the world. You, and the Green’s have lost my vote and complete respect from this day on, as well as all other politician’s that embrace these idea’s, and the ignorance and treasonous acts against new and first Australian’s and all other’s that respect and embrace freedom from any nationality that reside here. Anyone with a little intelligence and the capability to think critically, would educate themselves by looking at what effect these so called refugee’s have had on the lives of Europeans as well as the other nation’s that have embraced the so called diversity that you speak of. Do they, will they, Assimilate to our way’s and culture. We are now finding, that these so-called refugee’s have not, and are not embracing the european’s own culture but are intent of destroying our very existence and way’s of life. Proven by their own action’s. These refugee’s are the first and second wave of many more to arrive, with plan’s at installing their caliphate and sharia law’s on a world wide scale. People around the world are calling this, Quote “white Genocide” And if you were to look up it’s meaning in the dictionary, you will find it fit’s that description perfectly! Many arrive on our shores with the intent of our very destruction, of our own unique cultures, with the replacement of their own! I’m not at all racist, and understand that it’s not all muslim’s that hold this belief, but as for the 30-40 percent that do, they end up dominating their own society in the end with their fanatical beliefs, way’s and muscle! I personally have Muslim friend’s, that have spoken freely with me, of their own fears regarding this situation. Problem is, the Fanatic extremist radicals have already started to dominate our kind gentle friend’s of the true muslim faith. It is so easy for you to do a search online to find I speak absolute truth in the face of reality, and I much prefer to speak without the need for so-called political correctness to avoid the oncoming Muslim jihad that is taking place on a world wide level. Our leaders, as well as those around the world, particularly in Europe, seem on a coarse for self destruction. Recently in France, a so called Refugee murdered four french citizens and after a few months in jail was released and awarded a million euro’s, in compensation for his time behind bar’s, because the establishment felt sorry for him due to his inability and problems at adapting to their way of life! What the! Would they treat me or us like this if the roles were reversed? Got to be kidding yourself if you think yes. Don’t believe me, do some research online simply by typing White Genocide Europe! You all will be shocked, and chilled to the bone! Wake up Ignorant fools, Educate yourselves, Here it from these so called refugee’s own mouths about their plans, they have now lost all fear over there due to there large numbers, and they have zero respect for our laws and ways. your children will be beaten, raped and murdered and one day enslaved. They have over 1400 years of practice in enslaving other culture’s, Fact, and it’s still happening today on an ever growing scale. Don’t believe me, do your research, while your there, check out Europe’s crime stats since their arrival. Think I’m joking, Educate yourselves now, before it’s too late for us, as it is in Europe, I could also use Dearborn Michigan in the USA as another good example of their assimilation into our societies, by brute force! It’s important for you to understand that we are behind these countries regarding the advance of these so-called refugees into our own country compared with theirs, but it does give a clear picture of the future awaiting us. If we do not act now to stop this occurring here. I can assure you, there’s no turning back, when the civil war begins we will hold all those that supported this, accountable for their action’s. Remember that Simple Simon, there will be nowhere to run. Educate yourselves before it’s too late.
Great idea Simon Richardson! I had the same thought……. Byron shire is such an over-privileged bubble…. There is so much vast open space and plenty opportunity for people to share their wealth. The comments above are typical of the white-overprivileged perspective……
Now I know a lot of people in this shire struggle with the cost of living, noteless they are privileged just by the fact of all the opportunities they have – esp a safe place to live.
WTF is he serious I have to live off nothing with a broken neck those filthy disgraceful things I hope he cleans up after them and pays their bills he is demented Byron Shore is fast loosing its credit ability this is outrageous get him out of the council as quick as possible I hope they all move to Mullumbimby there is plenty of room for them there Byron Shire has turned to just dirty rubbish go Slippery Simon
You do know you’re a racist, right?
I think i remember Byron Bay being made a Nuclear Free Zone when Anundi Wentworth was on Council, it basically means that if North Korea ever lob a Missile on Oz the fallout isnt allowed to drift in here or Council could issue Kim jung oong with a fine.That would make it a nice safe haven for our refugees until the U.S. take them like Malcolm said they would,cough splutter.
Well this will bring property values down. Ask why they are not wanted and why they feer going back to were they come from. Could they be potential terrorists? The country they come from is trying to rebuild and this lot don’t want to be a part of it????? Has their agenda been foiled or will Byron be their door?
With Byron Bay suffering form a shortage of cheap and affordable accomodation, homless people living in parks this idiot wants to bring a greater burden onto the shire for his virtue signalling attempt at entering the NSW parliament. Never under estimate the self serving stupidity of the Greens
Looks like simple Simon has lost his mind and suffers from delusions of grandeur. Listen to this https://www.3aw.com.au/former-manus-island-guard-gives-insight-into-drug-deals-violence-and-attacks-on-staff-and-locals/