Binna Burra-based drug and alcohol rehab centre The Buttery is a major beneficiary of a $3m boost to North Coast Primary Health Network services announced on Wednesday.
The Buttery’s roving community rehabilitation program, visiting Lismore, Byron Bay and Tweed Heads, will have its six-week program funded.
The program is designed to help drug-users who cannot attend in-house rehab, such as sole parents, and is expected to commence early 2018.
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The funding follows a 2016 survey which found alcohol misuse and illicit drug addiction were the most serious health issue facing NSW North Coast residents.
Nearly 60% of residents said services to deal with this issue were difficult to access.
NCPHN chief executive Dr Vahid Saberi said nearly 30% of residents aged over 16 years consumed alcohol at levels that pose a lifetime risk to health.
“To tackle this disturbing trend, NCPHN used our commissioning process to put in place the services most needed in particular communities,” Dr Saberi said.
“These services will make a positive contribution to the health and well-being of many in our community.”
$3m in funding from the Federal Government’s National ICE Strategy will be distributed through the North Coast Primary Health Network to a range of services to address the problem.
Story by The Northern Star.
The Buttery could work on the Park and street homeless with a view of Complete a long term Rehab and detox and follow up NA AND OR AA meetings and be eligible for housing.
Communal housing and payment recipients that cause problems due to alchohol or drug use should be given 1 chance at Detox, rehab if they refuse or re- use they are evicted and wait again for the opportunity for a unit or house once they are clean. There are a lot of decent people in the local Communal housing blocks that appreciate what they have been given, but have to endure the aggression and abuse of the drunk and stoned fellow tenants selfishly self abuse themselves
This gives the homeless on the Street the opportunity and incentive to get clean and improve their life and self esteem as well as get a roof over their heads.
We as a community have helped create this situation of drug and alchohol affected people camping in bus shelters and shop fronts because we have ignored it and that gives out the message that we condone it.
If you want to help these people, give them hope and a incentive to get into a programme.