SUFFOLK PARK Progress Association Vice-President, Patsy Brosnan, announced yesterday tonight’s (Wed 16 Nov) rally against NSW Department of Education’s attempt to sell off community land at Suffolk Park is still on.
“Tonight’s Community Rally will still go ahead, as planned, onsite at 5 30 pm. We are anticipating an enthusiastic turnout,” Patsy said.
Just like a game of Football, we can’t all stop cheering at half time!”

“We are grateful for the bi-partisan support we have so far received, both from our local member, Greens MP Tamara Smith and from the NSW Nationals’ MLC, Ben Franklin.
“However – it’s purely a half-time score in a game of political football,” said Patsy.
“Tamara Smith spoke with Adrian Piccoli, the Minister for Education last week – regarding the option of negotiating with the Byron Shire Council for a reduced price.
“Ben Franklin has now confirmed that the NSW State Government will withdraw the land from public auction and enter into negotiations with BSC.
But Patsy warned the game is far from over.
“This land will not be secured as community land until Byron Shire Council has put in an acceptable offer to buy the land, and it is declared community land. Land to held in perpetuity, as Gaggin Park is, never to be rezoned nor sold by future councils or state governments.”
Patsy thanked Ben and Tamara for their support but reminded us that as NSW residents we technically already own this public land.
“It seems a shame that our Council is required to re-purchase it.”
“Therefore we will continue to lobby the State Govt for a non-financial transfer of the land so that it can be directly secured for the Suffolk Park Community.”
2,463 people signed the SPPA petition to have the land withdrawn from public sale.
“We would like to thank to all who signed it. This is their win!” said Patsy.
This is my brother Ian Mcglone Baby the Suffolk park soccer club and it’s just grown and grown it’s criminal to take it away so many folk not only use the Scooer club but other things and that wee bit of green grass in between near suburbia that ByronnFolk don’t like at best of times please leave the park alone X
Green Spaces are more important than sales revenue