THE DEVELOPMENT application for the proposed Bangalow food precinct is being re-exhibited.
The applicant, Chase Lismore Road Pty Ltd, is proposing a rural industry Food Precinct for the processing and preparation of food on a 26-hectare property on Lismore Road at Bangalow.
The original development application was placed on exhibition in May last year.
A range of issues were raised in the submissions including flooding, traffic and access to the site from Lismore Road.
Further information has now been submitted to Council by the applicant to address these issues, in particular traffic and access.
Byron Shire Council is now re-exhibiting the development application including the updated information, and members of the public are invited to make a submission on the proposed development.
Byron Shire Council staff will review all submissions received from both exhibitions as part of the assessment process.
Following the exhibition, an assessment report will be prepared and submitted to the Joint Regional Planning Panel (JRPP) for consideration when it determines the development application.
All submissions received by the Council will also be provided to the JRPP.
For more information go to http://www.byron.nsw.gov.au/development-applications/2016/283/1 or call Byron Shire Council on 6626 7000.