BYRON SHIRE Council has unveiled a new service to make it easier and faster for people to get in touch with us about a wide range of issues and topics.
Report it is a new online service where people can easily report a pothole or other problem, make a request or seek information.
Testing has so far revealed it takes an average of less than 90 seconds for users to generate reports and requests to Council using the new tool.
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Council’s Director of Infrastructure Services, Phil Holloway, said Report it is designed to make it simple for people to contact Council about things such as potholes, traffic, parking, beaches, public health and safety, rubbish or council facilities.
“People might be looking for information about building and development or they might want to ask a question about council services and they can do this by using Report it,” Mr Holloway said.
“People can also upload photographs of an abandoned vehicle, pothole or overgrown property which will make it easier for our staff to understand issues and problems and hopefully get them resolved, “Mr Holloway said.
Report it is mobile friendly and can be used on your mobile phone or tablet so it’s now the quickest way to get in touch with Council.
Council is hoping this easy online reporting tool will encourage people to get in touch with us.
Report it can be found on the Byron Council’s home page www.byron.nsw.gov.au.