Message to Baird: Locals Out in Force For Suffolk Park Rally

  • Post category:Suffolk Park
Protest signs brandished at the rally leave no doubt about the crowd's feelings.
Protest signs brandished at the rally leave no doubt about the crowd’s feelings.

AN ESTIMATED 1000 people attended yesterday’s (Wed 16 Nov 2016) Suffolk Park Community Rally.

Paul and Mikey Scharka from Suffolk Park F.C.
Paul and Mikey Scharka from Suffolk Park F.C.

Organised by The Suffolk Park Progress Association the rally was the collective crescendo of the past fortnight’s local community campaign.

Byron Shire Council Mayor Simon Richardson with Suffolk Park Progress Association Vice-President Patsy Brosnan.
Byron Shire Council Mayor Simon Richardson with Suffolk Park Progress Association Vice-President Patsy Brosnan.

Speakers included community representatives, Byron Shire Councillors plus a performance by local singer and mum, Renee Simone – who had the crowd dancing and singing along to ” We are Family”.

Byron Shire Councillors will meet this morning to agree on an offer price for Suffolk Park’s ‘village green’ – it will then be forwarded to the Department of Education.

If the offer is accepted it won’t be long before Lot 60 Beech Drive will truly be the people’s park.

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