BYRON BAY Services Club is to host Greg Burns, direct from ‘Just for Laughs’ at the Sydney Opera House, on Saturday October 21.
Award winning UK funnyman Greg Burns from Ricky Gervais’ The Office, the The Catherine Tate Show will perform at the Club at 8pm.
Hailing from the UK but now living in Australia, Greg is an award-winning comedian who has worked on such shows as Have I Got News For You and The Catherine Tate Show, as well as appearing in The Office Christmas Special in a part written specifically for him by Ricky Gervais.
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With over ten years working the comedy circuit, Greg Burns is a club favourite for his playful humour and infectious charm.
His confident performance and affable persona make him immensely popular with his audiences.
MC for the night will be local comedienne Mandy Nolan and Greg will be supported by Matt Ford.
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After winning the 2010 Melbourne International Comedy Festival’s ‘Class Clowns’ competition in his final year of high school, Mat Ford didn’t wait for his academic results to decide what career he’d pursue.
As soon as he was of age the Brisbane based comedian was putting in the hard yards doing open mic gigs all over South East Queensland and anywhere else his dad would drive him to.
Matthew’s style is an inspired mix of social commentary musings with absurd everyday observations.
Get your tickets $30/25 conc at the Club.