LOCAL GREENS parliamentarians have called on the NSW Government to ensure that any development in West Byron is of an appropriate scale.
A recent Echonetdaily article reports they want assurances that any development won’t adversely affect Ewingsdale Road, or negatively impact local wetlands or the Cape Byron Marine Park.
North Coast Greens MP Dawn Walker has given the parliament notice that she will move a motion along those lines on the next sitting day of the parliament.
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‘The West Byron mega-development has been forced onto Byron Bay by successive Labor and Liberal-National Governments who have over-ridden council planning powers and clearly don’t care about the how this inappropriate development damages the ecology and character of Byron Bay,’ Ms Walker said.
‘I joined over 200 locals who gathered as part of the recent ‘Byron Deserves Better Community Rally’ to express our frustration at the prospect of a massive, high-density suburb on the outskirts of Byron Bay. The NSW Government needs to listen to our community.
‘I stand with Byron Shire Council and the community who are especially worried about how this large development will impact traffic flow on Ewingsdale Road and have called on the Government to take action to minimise this.’
Story by Echonetdaily
Read Echonetdaily’s full story here
For so long there has been a vacuum of leadership & vision of how to create new homes for those that want to live here. You can’t just sit there and tell everyone they cannot create a home. Henceforth the ‘big bloke’ gives you West Byron.
There must a vision, a model of best practice town & community planning that brings all the elements of creating beautiful living spaces that caters for all levels of affordability. When NOTHING HAPPENS this is what you get. There are great models out there of sustainable community living spaces but for too long the Green politique talks more what they are against instead of a vision of what they are for and I mean a real vision of what that could look like. Bring on the model & vision of how this could look like please.