NOT ONLY is Byron Shire a popular holiday destination but in recent years it is also one of ‘the’ places to get married.
The beauty of the hinterland has seen a significant increase in rural weddings and this is having an impact on neighbours, particularly when it comes to noise and traffic.
Recognising that people choose to live in rural areas for a peaceful lifestyle, Byron Shire Council has the difficult job of trying to find a balance that works for residents and the events industry said Shannon Burt, Director Sustainable Environment and Economy.
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“It seems that people can’t get enough of the Byron Shire and this creates a lot of challenges for everyone, including Council, and the explosion of weddings and events is one example,” Ms Burt said.
“Currently there are a number of people using their properties for regular, unauthorised events, some of them quite large, and this means there are no controls for public safety, or protections in place for neighbours and Council plans to change this,” she said.
“Council wants to amend its Local Environmental Plan (LEP) to allow a limited number of properties to operate as function centres in rural parts of the Shire, subject to a range of conditions designed to minimise impact on neighbours,” she said.
Any change to the Byron Shire LEP has to be made by the NSW Government and Council is preparing to undertake wide-ranging consultation with residents and the local events industry with aim of finding a balance for all stakeholders.
“We know this is contentious for residents and we need to find a workable solution for everyone so I encourage anyone who is interested in this issue to attend a community meeting, or have their say via an online survey,” Ms Burt said.
Community information sessions will be held on 26, 27, 29 March and 5 April in Bangalow, Federal, Byron Bay and Mullumbimby.
The information gathered during this process will be used to draft the changes to the LEP which will then go on public exhibition.
For more information call Rob van Iersel on 6626 7000 or click here.
Public meetings will be held at:
- Bangalow: Monday 26 March, 3:30 – 7:30pm (A & I Hall, Station Street)
- Federal: Tuesday 27 March, 3:30 – 7:00pm (Jasper Corner Hall, Federal Road)
- Byron Bay: Thursday 29 March, 3:30 – 7:30pm (Byron Community Centre Verandah Room, Jonson Street)
- Mullumbimby: Thursday 5 April, 2:30 – 6:30pm (Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall 55 Dalley Street)