NSW Nats MP On Board to Help Save Suffolk Park

L-R: Sara Ndiaye, Byron Shire Councillor; Duncan Miller, Patsy Brosnan, Vice President of the Suffolk Park Progress Association (SPPA); Ben Franklin, NSW National Party MLC; Charlotte Harrison (SPPA), Delta Kay, Arakwal Spokesperson; Founding member of Suffolk Park Football Club, Paul Scharka; Christine Guinard (SPPA). Photo: SPPA.
L-R: Sara Ndiaye, Byron Shire Councillor; Duncan Miller, Patsy Brosnan, Vice President of the Suffolk Park Progress Association (SPPA); Ben Franklin, NSW National Party MLC; Charlotte Harrison (SPPA), Delta Kay, Arakwal Spokesperson; Paul Scharka, Founding member of Suffolk Park Football Club; Christine Guinard (SPPA). Photo: SPPA.

SUFFOLK PARK community representatives met with NSW National Party MLC, Ben Franklin on Sunday evening. They discussed the proposed auction of Lot 60, Beech Drive and how they were aiming to stop it.


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Council Trying for Suffolk Park Land Ownership

Controversial auction sign erected on Suffolk Park community land slated for sale by the NSW Education Department. Locals have reported the sign disappeared the night after it was erected. Photo: Supplied.
Controversial auction sign erected on Suffolk Park community land slated for sale by the NSW Education Department. Locals have reported the sign disappeared the night after it was erected. Photo: Supplied.

BYRON SHIRE Council is trying to deal with the NSW Education Minister to buy the community land at 60 Beech Drive, Suffolk Park, which is subject to an Education Department sell-off attempt.


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