FROM VoB FACEBOOK: Byron Shire Rate Rise Submissions Deadline Today
Voice of Byron regular, Alan Heathcote, gives us a timely warning that today Wed 18 is the last day for submissions about Byron Shire Council’s proposed rates hike.
Voice of Byron regular, Alan Heathcote, gives us a timely warning that today Wed 18 is the last day for submissions about Byron Shire Council’s proposed rates hike.
BYRON SHIRE Council is investigating the potential to utilise all sources of organic waste material, termed ‘biomass’, produced in the Shire.
Story by Echonetdaily
ORGANISERS OF the annual Byron Bay Surf Festival (BBSF) are riding a wave of anticipation as the event’s February 24 start date rolls ever closer.
Story by The Sydney Morning Herald.
Read The Sydney Morning Herald’s full story here
PROPOSED CHANGES to New South Wales planning laws will mean Byron Shire Council will determine fewer development applications, but will be responsible for more regularly and clearly devising planning controls for local areas.
Story by Echonetdaily
BYRON SHIRE General Manager Ken Gainger has contacted The Echo in an effort to address complaints about the Shire’s controversial plan to raise rates above the state cap.
BYRON SHIRE residents and diners can now see how well local food businesses are complying with food hygiene and safety requirements, Byron Shire Council’s Director of Sustainable Environment and Economy Shannon Burt announced today.
THE THREE-QUARTERS of Byron Council ratepayers who are serviced by Council’s water and sewer services will get a reduction in their utilities (water and sewerage) rates to the tune of $100 per year beginning in the 2017/18 financial year.
Story by Echonetdaily
A LEGAL CHALLENGE by residents who will be affected by Council’s Byron Bay Butler Street bypass looks set to be heard in court after a recent mediation conference failed to come to any compromise.
BYRON SHIRE Council is cracking down on garage sales that encroach into public space after receiving large numbers of complaints about sales being held on public footpaths and reserves.