BYRON SHIRE Council is hoping to work with local residents and interested community members to develop a plan to manage the large increase in visitor numbers to the waterhole at Keyes Bridge Reserve near Federal and Scarabelotti’s Lookout on Coolamon Scenic Drive.
Mark Arnold, Acting General Manager, said the decision was made at the March Council meeting after a Notice of Motion from Cr Basil Cameron.
“In recent times the popularity of the waterhole and the lookout have increased to unsustainable levels and this includes illegal camping, the dumping of rubbish, dogs and traffic problems.
“There is no doubt that there have been no good outcomes for the environment or for the community as a result of surge in popularity of these areas,” Mr Arnold said.
“These beautiful areas are regularly strewn with rubbish, people are freely using them as a toilet, parking is a nightmare and locals are feeling alienated from these public spaces,” he said.
“At Keyes Bridge, the community has been caring for this area for years, regenerating the rainforest and looking after the waterhole and waterway which is the site of an Eastern Cod Recovery Project.
“At Scarabelotti’s Lookout there are similar issues and Council recently placed large boulders in the carpark to deter illegal campers but someone went and removed them which was very disappointing,” Mr Arnold said.
To ensure these two special places are preserved for the future Council will now organise a meeting with residents, interested community groups and nearby landowners, to develop a protection and access plan for Scarabelotti’s Lookout and Keyes Bridge Reserve.
The date, location and format of the meeting are now being determined and these will be advertised on Council’s website, www.byron.nsw.gov.au and its Facebook page.
For more information contact Annie Lewis, Media and Communications Coordinator, on 6626 7320.