BYRON SHIRE Council will look at ways it can address the lack of affordable housing in the Byron Shire.
Council is seeking information from people about new projects and different approaches to the issue and is now calling for Expressions of Interest (EOI) for affordable housing on land in the Byron Shire.
The EOI is targeting proposals for small, medium and large-scale project ideas in villages and towns in the Byron Shire.
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“We all know the challenges for many members of our community to continue to afford to live here and Byron Shire Council is keen to investigate new solutions for our community,” said Byron Shire Mayor, Simon Richardson.
“We are looking for Expressions of Interest from people who have ideas about affordable housing solutions, or who may want to form partnerships with land owners, the private sector, or community housing providers.
“Even if you do not have a particular housing proposal in mind, but you think your land could be suitable Council would welcome your EOI for consideration,” Mayor Richardson said.
Byron Shire Council is not seeking detailed planning proposals, rather it wants concept ideas that allow staff to gather ideas about innovative ways to approach the lack of supply of affordable housing.
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“The aim is to deliver long term affordable housing solutions in the Byron Shire and our council is determined to put its hand up to be a leader in this area,” Mayor Richardson said.
Expressions of Interest should contain a brief overview of the housing project including the core values and principles underpinning the reason for interest in this area.
The closing date for Expressions of Interest is 12 September 2017.