VEGETATION WORK to be undertaken at Tyagarah airstrip in late November will see more than 500 trees planted near the airfield and 72 trees and shrubs pruned as part of routine maintenance works to make sure the aerodrome is safe for the people who use it.
The works will be done in accordance with an approved Review of Environmental Factors with input from an independent ecologist.
Byron Shire Council’s Manager Open Spaces and Resource Recovery, Michael Matthews, said there needs to be clear airspace around the Tyagarah aerodrome to enable safe take-off and landing and the vegetation to be pruned has encroached on the airfield’s landing and take-off zones.
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“The land around the Tyagarah airstrip is rich in biodiversity and also has an established koala population and their wellbeing is a number one priority and needs to be taken into account,” he said.
“Before pruning work is undertaken a qualified wildlife ecologist will check the area for threatened species including koalas and occupied nests and drays.
“If koalas or young birds and animals are found work will be delayed in that specific area until they have left on their own accord,” Mr Matthews said.
“Council will be planting an additional 515 trees and shrubs nearby to compensate for this pruning operation and the removal of 217 trees in May last year as part of the safety maintenance program,” Mr Matthews said.
“The new plantings will be in an area that will not have an impact on the airspace around the aerodrome,” he said.
Users of the Tyagarah Airfield and nearby residents have been notified of the vegetation management works. The work will take four days to complete and is expected start on the 27 November.
For more information contact Michael Matthews on 6626 7000.