PART OF THE Butler Street Markets site will be the new home for Byron Bay’s bus exchange in 2018.
The relocation of Byron Bay’s main bus stop will make the town centre more people-friendly.
Byron Shire Council’s General Manager, Ken Gainger, said the new interchange will take large passenger buses out of Jonson Street, which is a key element of the Byron Bay Masterplan.
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“Council has held meetings with the operators of the markets, and stall holders, about the changes and we are working together to activate the rail corridor and surrounding areas as potential interim market venues,” Mr Gainger said.
“Moving the bus interchange, which is currently near the Visitor Information Centre in Jonson Street, will reduce the number of large vehicles in town,” Mr Gainger said.
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“The Byron Bay Town Centre Masterplan has identified improved pedestrian access and movement as priorities and this involves getting traffic out of the central business area and reclaiming it for locals and visitors,” he said.
“Council has exciting plans to activate the Railway Park precinct, Byron Street and the nearby rail corridor to encourage more people to walk, sit and use the open spaces in Byron Bay’s CBD.