TODAY OCTOBER 16 is the last chance for residents of the Byron Shire to vote for one of four projects they would like to see funded by the NSW Government through its new $100 million Stronger Country Communities program.
The Stronger Country Communities Fund, which was announced this year, is open to all Councils in regional NSW with the specific aim of investing in projects that will improve the lives of residents and enhance the areas as vibrant places to live and work.
Byron Shire Council’s Grants Coordinator, Jodi Frawley, said this was an unprecedented opportunity for the Council to apply for money for not just one, but several important community projects.
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“The NSW Government has encouraged Council to submit multiple projects for consideration and we, in consultation with our community, have chosen four very different, but equally worthwhile applications,” Dr Frawley said.
The projects selected for funding via the Stronger Country Communities Fund are:
- Enhancement of Clarkes Beach Foreshore with new amenities block and kiosk.
- A refurbishment of the Sandhills Early Childhood Centre at Byron Bay to upgrade bathrooms, kitchen and laundry.
- An extension of Bangalow’s Heritage House to create a new reading and display room for family history.
- Enhancements to the Waterlily Park Playscape at Ocean Shores including a flying fox, treehouse and new walking/cycle paths.
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“Our staff have been working closely with these community organisations to develop documents and evidence to support our applications,” Dr Frawley said.
“Importantly we have also been in contact with a wide range of other community organisations to brief them on our applications and to garner their support for these important projects which have wide-ranging benefits,” she said.
“Staff have also been encouraging people to do an online survey to rank their most important project and there is still time left for residents to have their say before we finalise our grant applications.
“The survey closes on the 16 October and it would be fabulous if we could get a last minute rush of opinions,” Dr Frawley said.
To do the survey go to http://www.yoursaybyronshire.com.au/stronger-country-communities-byron-shire-council.
I did not find any of these projects particularly worthwhile or inspiring to vote on.
None of these projects seem particularly important or creative. None of them will have any significant impact on our community – please be more creative in future