Vote Gail Fuller (Team F) – Byron Shire Council
Gail Fuller

Gail has come from a financial background in both Sydney and London and lived locally for 21 years.
She runs and owns a local real estate agency and is the President of the Byron Bay Chamber of commerce and sits on other boards and steering committees in council and the community.
She is focused on community including, youth engagement.
Cerise Gollogly

Cerise comes from a diverse background in the creative Arts industry, and has lived locally for 12 years.
She has been a Creative Director and Arts Representative working in the visual and performing arts sector for over 20 years.
She is focused on solutions in integrated design, Education, Art, Business and the activation of public spaces.
Leah Kapral

Leah has worked in both the public and private sector, leading environmental planning aspects of railway, aviation, water sustainability, community engagement, and waste management projects.
She is currently leading the Ocean Shores Master Plan group and other community-based local projects.
Kirsty Harland

Kirsty grew up locally, and has worked in small business from the age of 14.
She is passionate about supporting the younger community in securing jobs and mentoring young businesses to grow and become sustainable.
She wants to see young locals thriving and building a solid foundation in the shire in both housing and business.