Voice of Byron regular, Robert Sampimon, spotted an article about Byron Shire Council’s Byron Bay $1.38 million parking fines windfall.
The article says, “Parking inspectors have been hard at work targeting illegal parking across the Northern Rivers, racking up $1.74 million in parking fines on their respective councils’ roads.
“Byron Shire Council secured the biggest financial windfall from dodgy parkers last financial year, issuing 9588 fines at a cost to drivers of $1.38 million in fines.
“It was the region’s only council area to have a jump in parking fines in 2015-16, up slightly from $1.37 million the previous year.
“Byron was also the third biggest issuer of parking fines in regional NSW, with only Newcastle ($2.8 million) and Wollongong ($2.2 million) issuing more infringement notices.