Voice of Byron regular, Wayne Mains, got a fair serve of traffic congestion on Monday.
Wayne says,”It’s 8:45 am Monday morning heading to town for an appointment, what a joke.
“I thought I must have been on Ewingsdale road but no I was on Broken Head Road going from Suffolk to town.
“Traffic is horrendous.
“No more surveys, been having them since I can remember, the council needs to start the bypass at Melaluca drive near BP Ozigo and bring it out behind the footy field.
“C’mon Council, get your arse into gear, it’s been too long.”
Totally agree! It’s all very well putting the rates up but how about doing something that makes life more pleasant for rate payers. I’m all for cleaning up and beautifying town, but basically just want to be able to get to work on time. Lillypilly to town 25 minutes last Thursday. Not happy!