VOICE of BYRON regular, Billy Nichols, calls for help with information after his Jack Russel terrier was attacked by what appeared to be an unleashed Irish Wolfhound on the weekend.
Billy says, “At the Sunday Sustainable Bakery this morning an off-leash Grey Irish Wolfhound (I’m pretty sure this is the breed or similar) attacked our Jack Russell, suddenly and unprovoked.
“Luckily she managed to escape from his grip and run away after my partner pulled the dog off.
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“Our dog is okay but has a puncture wound in her neck. Unfortunately by the time I had picked her up and taken her to the car the owner (middle-aged, grey haired man) and the dog had quickly left so I didn’t have a chance to get his name or details.
“If anyone knows this bloke/dog their details would be greatly appreciated so I could pass them on to Council.
“Even if not hopefully people can be aware of this dog around town.
“I am sure if my partner had not intervened this encounter would have been fatal.
“Passing on this information as I can’t in good conscience do nothing knowing that some one else’s pet could be injured or killed.”
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