FROM VoB FACEBOOK: Sharpes Beach Going Off for New Year’s
Voice of Byron regular, Peter Moore, shot us this terrific pic of the surf at Sharpes Beach between Lennox Head and Ballina, New Year’s Eve, 2016.
Voice of Byron regular, Peter Moore, shot us this terrific pic of the surf at Sharpes Beach between Lennox Head and Ballina, New Year’s Eve, 2016.
Voice of Byron regular, Peter Moore, shared this mighty shot he says is of the surf at Lennox Head, New Year’s Eve, 2016.
Story by ABC News.
Read ABC News’ full story here
BYRON BAY holidaymaker and ABC News Online reader Paul MacKenzie reckons the deadly Irukundji jellyfish is heading to southern waters “just like the canetoads did in the ’60s.”
Voice of Byron regular and leading contender for Voice of Byron Stirrer of the Year 2016, Michael Bienke, shared this shot of a man wearing a Byron Bay t-shirt in a restaurant in Central Java.
Story by Echonetdaily
POLICE ARE seeking public assistance to help identify a man who died after swimming at Belongil Beach at Byron Bay yesterday.
EMERGENCY SERVICES: 000 Ambulance 13 12 33 Byron Police Station (emergencies, drunk/disorderly): 6685 9499 NRMA ROAD SERVICES: 13 11 11 Byron Central Hospital (02) 6639 9400 Byron Council Rangers (illegal…
Voice of Byron regular, Paul Kevin Spooner, shared this Crystal Castle post about a fantastic sacred way to start 2017 in Byron Bay, where Australia First Greets the Sun.
Voice of Byron regular, Michael van Kempen’s conversation with a chopper pilot left him hoping the Byron shark spotting crew had all bases covered.
Voice of Byron and KWIMABB stalwart and supporter, Byron Bay electrician Geoff Bensley, is seeking the origins and members list of the Gorilla Ball competition held Sunday mornings at the Byron Bay Surf Life Saving Club last century.
Story by News Ltd.
Read News Ltd’s full story here
BYRON BAY locals have expressed serious concerns about the decision not to erect shark nets in the area, amid revelations Byron Bay High School cancelled surfing as a school sport activity during the last term of 2016 due to an “unacceptable risk” to students from sharks.