Best Byron Bypass Choice: Take it Up the Rail

Section of the railway track already paved over for the Mercato on Byron project. It gives you a glimpse of how the Byron Bay Bypass could work so well using the railway land. Photo: Michael van Kempen.

THERE IS only one viable option for the Byron Bay Bypass. Run it right up the existing railway land to come out near the railway crossing at Old Bangalow Road.


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Elsa Pataky Shares Cute Vid of Chris Hemsworth Family Day Out

Day out with daddy! Elsa Pataky shared a cute video of Chris Hemsworth doting over his fair-haired children on Saturday. Photo: Daily Mail.

Story by Daily Mail Australia.

Read the Daily Mail’s full story here

IT’S EASY to see why Elsa Pataky, 40, and husband Chris Hemsworth, 33, love spending time at their countryside property with their children.


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Byron Bay-based Chopper Musterer Says He’s Never Worked a Day in His Life

Helicopter pilot Jamie Henderson is ready for a day of mustering in far west New South Wales. ABC Rural: Cherie von Hörchner.

Story by ABC News.

Read ABC News’ full story here

WHEN NOT mustering livestock in his helicopter, Byron Bay’s Jamie Henderson covers his 180-horsepower chopper with a shade blanket, “so the sun doesn’t cook the GPS and the insides of the machine”.


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