BYRON SHIRE Council Greens candidate Ian Cohen is returning to the fray, standing for Council in the December 2021 local government elections, to help protect Byron Shire’s environment.
“I visited Byron Shire at every opportunity since the early 70s, making my home here in 1982,” Ian said this week.
“I fell for the physical splendour, quality surf and the alternative local community.”
A founding member of the Australian, NSW and Byron Shire Greens, Ian has also worked hard in Parliament (1995-2011) to advocate for the environment, and for social justice in the North Coast community.
When more than just words were needed, Ian added actions to his words.
In the 1980’s, Ian established the Byron Bay Radiation Centre and campaigned against ocean outfalls.
In 1986 he founded the Broken Head Protection Committee which is still active today, highlighting inappropriate development in our most fragile environments.
He was also at the forefront in successful protest campaigns which stopped the Cape Byron International Academy, Club Med, a proposed Defence Academy on Seven Mile Beach land and a 600 development west of Byron Bay.
“I’m a Green because I believe in our responsibility to protect what’s precious,” he says.
“Byron Shire’s history is valiant but we need to be stronger if we are going to preserve our home against extreme pressure and uncertainty.”
Recognising Byron’s First Nation History
Ian forged strong connections with the local Aboriginal community, supporting the sisters Lorna Kelly, Linda Vidler and Dulcie Nichols.
Significantly, they forged an Indigenous Land Use Agreement with the NSW government (ILUA), won an international award for their efforts and played a significant role in the Australian Land Rights movement.
Their generosity to the Byron community must be remembered with significant grants of land to the greater community, including the Byron Bay Library site and overseeing the development of the boundaries for the Cape Byron Marine Park.
As a 40-year resident of Byron Shire, Ian will continue representing Shire citizens who can vote as well as the species that cannot vote but whose presence is an eloquent reminder of the fragility of our planet.
Thanks Ric
I was a Green MP NSW Parlt for 16 years so i know my limitations but still believe in democracy and know my way round
I wonder if he has left it too late ? the damage is done
Keith that is a very negative attitude. Do you really think that no more damage can. be done?
Hi Keith
I often feel that way
Not one to give up i find i can live better with myself if i am doing something for community and environment. Never too late even if it is just passing ideas and ideals to the next generation
Drop the Green Genocide Ian Cohen, fake Arakwal have stolen an error of Ngarakwal from other Aboriginal families to get Native Title over Byron Bay, Bundjalung is just what white linguists called the language, Yugambeh in QLD, all the money has been wasted for two fake nations in the one language group.
Still just a newby and although I do not like all the Greens’ policies the most important thing for me is the environment and he seems like he could do something to help. I have been disappointed with the people I have looked at who are standing for council and who are generally uninspiring. he looks like he has better energy, direction and beliefs.
I agree🐸