A RECENT Echonetdaily Letter to the Editor has called for the return to ridings for Byron Shire.
Prior to ridings being dumped in the mid 1980s, Byron Shire was divided into five ridings and Wilf Sprengel of Ocean Shores says wards (ridings) should be returned to Byron Shire.
Wilf says, “Once our Byron Council was divided into wards and each ward had elected councillors.
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“Their main duty was all about the three Rs – roads, rubbish and rates. Currently Byron Bay is to Ocean Shores as West Sydney is to Bondi.
“Regrettably and wards were removed and now, as ridiculous as it is, the election of our councillors goes along the same line as state and federal elections – purely political .
“There is no room whatsoever for political party representatives on local councils.
“For instance, if the Greens want to involve themselves in local government, they should be encouraging their local council to focus on what they do best and that is on purely local issues and not be involved in things outside council’s durance such as trying to change the date of Australia Day.
“This only being mischievous and divisive.
“Councillors should continue to do what they do best and that is to bring communities together.
“So bring back Wards and then we would once again have true people representatives on Council and a Council who will be advised where to spend their money and not on a Byron Bay rainbow coloured bridges.”
Story by Echonetdaily
Read Echonetdaily’s full story here
council has not paid for any paint on any rainbow bridge. your article had merit till I read that little gem at the end .
Replace the Ridings x
Not withstanding Rainbows (I like them), I think bringing back the ‘wards’ is a good idea.