IT’S TIME for Byron Shire Council and residents to come to grips with reality over traffic management, for the Shire in general, and Byron Bay in particular.
It’s time for traffic lights.
As was recently pointed out by regular Voice of Byron contributor, David Michie, the costs associated with building roundabouts is far higher than that of installing traffic lights.
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Imagine how many kilometres of urgently needed roadworks could be achieved if the Shire saved a few million dollars by replacing roundabouts with traffic lights.
The old view that traffic lights will ruin the town has been a moot point for years.
Byron Bay has long become something that traffic lights can’t ruin.
The beautiful parts of Byron that still remain – the beaches, the ocean, the bush – can never be visually affected by traffic lights.
But the town itself will benefit greatly from a more efficient traffic flow.
And Shire roads would benefit from the extra millions that could be spent on them.
The look of Byron Bay/Suffolk Park will not be negatively affected by the installation of lights.
It’s a win-win option with no downside.
No!!!! Please do not let traffic lights come to Byron. We need to resist the process of gradually turning into the Gold Coast (in spite of the extra tourism traffic we now have). I am in and out of Byron every day and also frequently use Clifford Street and vote NO on traffic lights. BTW What is the $ amount of section 94 contributions from the West Byron development and how are the funds being used? A round about at both Clifford Street and the high school would really help.